Communication Rules And Regulations

Due to our understanding of the English Language, we will not like any kind of mistake or misunderstanding, So all communications must be via E-MAIL only to enable us to translate all communications according to the best of our knowledge and our office documentary records. We will try our possible best to respond to all communications through our translating platforms.

All participating companies and individuals are to ensure that all communications to this office are done through E-MAIL only as phone calls will be difficult for our understanding.

We hope you will understand our concern and co-operate with us to achieve a better and successful procurement.


Dr. Ibrahim Ahmed Qasim Al-Saadi
(Executive Board Chairman)

The concept of UAE Industrial Partnership For Sustainable Economic Growth (IPSEG) content emerged with the launch of UAE's Vision 2030, and aiming at developing local content in all sectors, the United Arab Emirates has worked on many initiatives and regulations.

One of the most prominent efforts was the royal decree to establish the UAE Industrial Partnership For Sustainable Economic Growth (IPSEG) to achieve the aspirations of our leadership for the growth and prosperity of our national economy.
UAE Industrial Partnership For Sustainable Economic Growth (IPSEG) directed all its efforts towards the development of local and foreign content, as the percentage of local content in the non-petroleum expenditure in 2022 reached 57.87%.

These efforts will also be directly reflected in the national economy, and the authority will work to be one of the main enablers of our local and foreign products, services and human resources to achieve the objectives of UAE's Vision 2030.
Since its establishment, UAE Industrial Partnership For Sustainable Economic Growth (IPSEG) has worked on its vision of nurturing local potential and capitalizing the national purchasing power for a strong and sustainable economy, as well as implementing its mission to formulate and monitor policies and regulations, develop local opportunities in partnership with the public and private sectors.

Based on the vision and mission, the authority will continue to move forward with its initiatives and regulations aimed at promoting the concept of local and foreign contents in the government sector and improving government procurement to direct the national purchasing power towards local and foreign components, developing local content in the private sector through strategic partnerships and raising the awareness of individuals to make the local and foreign component a preferred option in individual consumption.